Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Change of Plans & Coming Soon!

 In my latest post, I mentioned that we still had three episodes to run before ending Season 17... but after discussing the situation with Sylvie (Lady Penelope's player), we quickly came to the following two conclusions:

- Three episodes seemed a bit short to explore the consequences of Penelope's decision to take an incarnated Abraxas on some "grand tour of self-discovery" through time and space.

- The final scene of episode 12 (involving the aforementioned decision) really felt like a season-concluding arc.

So we decided that Season 17 would actually end here, with its twelfth episode as its final story and that we would devote a complete six-episodes miniseries to Penelope's adventures with Abraxas, using a similar format to our previous experiment with the miniseries format - but, obviously with a very different theme and story arc. 

See you soon for more details on our "Travels with Abraxas" sequence!